I got this interesting interview question from my friend last week.
Get three distinct messages from api.github.com/zen. Extra points for concurrency.
From C# 6.0 onwards, use read-only (getter-only) auto property for conciseness and readability for your immutable types.
Install and use consolas font, my favorite from Windows world on macOS.
A stable and linear-time sorting algorithm for items with keys within a limited size of collection. [Time: O(n+k), Space: O(n+k)]
An efficient in-place divide-and-conquer sorting algorithm. [Best: O(nlgn), Average: O(nlgn), Worst: O(n2), Space: O(n)]
An efficient in-place sorting algorithm. [Time: O(nlgn), Space: O(1)]
An efficient and stable divide-and-conquer sorting algorithm. [Best: O(n), Average: O(nlgn), Worst: O(nlgn), Space: O(n)]
A stable quadratic sorting algorithms. [Best: O(n), Average: O(n2), Worst: O(n2), Space: O(1)]
A space-efficient quadratic sorting algorithms. [Time: Θ(n2), Space: O(1)]